How to search specific cell value from excel to get respective cell value

final_output_data.xlsx (12.5 KB)

hi every one,
here from the backend I get the Invoice number, I Have to search that value in first column and want the data of column e.
eg. if I get this value from backend “32074” than I have to search in column 1(“Invoice”) and get the respectively column value from column e (“pdffilename”) .

output be, 360 SHS _Aug-21_32074
Can some one help me.

Hi @ashishmani

This can be done by Lookup datatable.


I have to pass particular value of to column a then want respective value from column e,
the value which I have to search are coming in a variable.

got null value

Hi @ashishmani

May be this is because of the blank line inside your input
Remove that and try once again


still get null value.
final_output_data.xlsx (12.5 KB)
test.xaml (24.0 KB)

HI @ashishmani

Change the invoice number column format as number and use the same flow
Note : you can search only one by one don’t give multiple values

Here is the screenshot


can you send the xmal, because i dont know where i make the mistake.

You can try this alternative use Lookup Range here is the sample flow

Sequence1.xaml (7.8 KB)

Steps will

  • Read Range
  • LookupRange store in a variable
  • read cell in the particular cell by giving dynamic range and store the value


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