How to scroll to top of the page

I need to scroll to top of the page. I need to click the logout button which is at the top. My current position is somewhere below, so the button is not visible. I tried sending hotkey- pgup. But the thing is it does not go top of the page. Can someone help me out

Hi @shrutika,
Try sending “Home” hotkey, it will work

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Thank you. I am facing another problem. I am selecting a user from dropdown using click and type into. When I click ‘Home’, instead of going to the top of the page, it selects topmost name from the dropdown. I need to shift focus from that element to the entire page so that I can go to top of the page. Is there a way to unfocus the element?

Hi @shrutika,

In your send hotkey specify the selector for the window and then Home. Else, Click outside anywhere on the window and then send Hotkey for Home

Or you can add one more click activity after the “type into” activity and perform a click outside the drop-down.


Thank you. This works

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