What’s the best way to save a TSV file, which I can open in Notepad, to an Excel file? The Generate Data Table activity with ‘tab’ set as the column separator isn’t quite getting the job done.
What’s the best way to save a TSV file, which I can open in Notepad, to an Excel file? The Generate Data Table activity with ‘tab’ set as the column separator isn’t quite getting the job done.
Hi @aman.sharma,
Could you please attach this TSV file? It would help us to analyze this file type and add some comments.
I tried attaching the file, but I received an error message that says TSV is not an accepted file type I can attach.
Try to zip it first and upload the zip file.
fnd_gfm_5461790.zip (1.0 KB)
What problem you are getting when you are using Table activity with ‘TAB’
Hi @aman.sharma,
It seems that you only have to change the file type from .tsv to .xls.
I used two Excel Application Scope activities because the first one is only responsible to output the Excel Workbook and later I am using this variable to get the first sheet name.
Please check the example below:
Main.xaml (7.3 KB)
@amitdwivedi It wasn’t separating the columns correctly.
@acaciomelo Thank you, this works great.