I’m able to extract specific words from a mail body by using regex and match activity.
Now I want to work with those extracted words, but I’m struggling with the regex value type.
I was trying to use that extracted word in google search function, but its not working. I’m getting “System.Linq.Enumerable+d__97`1” as a string.
How can I store that regex value in a string variable?
@AshwinS2 thank you for your help!
What do you mean by that? ForEach and Assign in the body? Like newvariable = oldvariable.ToString? … I did, and its not working.
hope these sequence would help you on this
–once after using MATCHES activity it will give us output with a variable of type System.Collections.Generic.Ienumerable(System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Match)
–now use a FOR EACH activity where pass this output variable from MATCHES activity and change the type argument as System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Match
–inside the loop use a Message box like this item.ToString which will show us each match found n the matches activity
or if we want to save that match found in a variable use a assign activity like this str_output = item.ToString
where str_output is a variable of type string
but for each iteration the value of the variable str_output will change
@ruh_hastasi77 thank you, the extracted word is correct, I already checked it.
@AshwinS2 I can print that extracted word with msg Box and using “String.Join (” ", datum) " but I cant store that value as a string, because I dont know how. Or am I missunderstanding you?
@ruh_hastasi77 thank you very much, its working fine by printing it in a msg box. I’m using String.Join( " ", datum) in the msg box and it shows me the extracted word. I just want to use that word for more functions. Like googling that word. But by storing it as a string variable.