How To Retrieve The Cell Position Past The First Found Value?

Using Find/Replace activity from Excel to search for a keyword in a spreadsheet. There are more than one cell matches with the keyword searched but only the first result is returned. Is there anyway to return the all cell positions as a list/array?

The following development approaches could be useful:

Approach #1:

  • Lookup Data Table - The data from the Excel file can be read as data table and iterated through each row in DT and check if the expected value is present and if it is present, you can store the value in a variable.
  • Initialize an empty list / array and add these values as required.

Approach #2:

  • Through Indexing - The data from the Excel file can be read as data table and iterated through each row in DT and find the respective row index value and the column name can be fetched using the converting to Char convert.ToChar(65+count).
  • Initialize an empty List / Array and add these values as required.
  • The individual cell values can be fetched by iterating the data in a loop and and each of these value needs to added to a List / Array which needs to be handled in the workflow by Initializing an empty List / Array and add these values as required.