How to retrieve 'Release Key' of a process for on premise version of Orchestrator

Hi all,

I want to execute XYZ (start a job) process from Orchestrator using Orchestrator API. I am following the documentation (Read me). I have implemented authentication part and retrieved all the processes & Robot Metadata. I want ‘Release Key’ of the process which I want to start by using Orchestrator API.
This is the JSON input to the web service call:

{ "startInfo":
   { "ReleaseKey": "f689e02d-f968-494f-8b37-409a1bd85534",
     "Strategy": "Specific",
     "RobotIds": [ 9826 ],
     "JobsCount": 0,
     "Source": "Manual" 

Can anyone help me to extract 'Release Key' of any given processes or all processes present on Orchestrator.


Hi Aditya,

Please use below url in HTTP Request activity to get Release Key.
