I have a data table with 13 columns and i want to replace the white spaces with the hyphen in the 1st column and then display that updated table in to excel sheet.
How can I achieve this?
HI @Sami_Rajput
Follow the below steps
- Read the excel sheet data in the DataTable variable name dt.
- Drag and drop the invoke code activity.
- In edit arguments, create a variable dt, set direction as in/out and pass value as dt.
- In edit code type the following,
dt.asenumerable.tolist.foreach(sub(row) row(“Column1”)= row(“Column1”).tostring.replace(“ ”,“-”))
Write the DataTable back into the excel using write range activity.
We have to use this inside invoke code as it does not produce a output.
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FYI, another approach:
If number of rows of your datatable is not very large, the following will work.
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