How to replace the string " (double quotes) with null

Hello Everyone,

Can somebody please help me to understand how to replace the double quotes in my string with null or empty

For example

String1 = “Hello World”

How we can replace the " with null value

I have tried with

string1.replace(“”“,”") in assign activity which throwing an exception.

Much appreciated your kind help in advance.


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SImple buddy @winningvish

  1. Mystring = “”“HelloWorld”“” (means “HelloWorld”)
  2. Mystring = mystring.ToString.Replace(“”“”," ")
    and it worked as well



This is working for me if the string is something like “this” and has the default value of “”“something”“”

Or you can use with the pattern like “\”“”


Hi @Palaniyappan,

Thank you for your quick reply.

Actually I am getting an error while typing that into a attached window in the workflow as shown below…

the variable ORGCapActual is string type (The result coming from read cell)

When I am manually copy and pasting the cell value to notepad this is how it is showing…(with double quotes)

"The Programme is in red due to the OBIEE project being in red. The Web Interface project is focused on delivering the basic web data submission platform and building the C23 form into it by 22 March 2019. The Internal Preparation Project (IPP) is focused on the end-to-end testing of the C23 form/survey from Web through Mainframe (AIX) to OBIEE and Time Series (on the AIX Mainframe). Based on the outcome of the C23 testing, the Programme will make a decision on 22 March on whether to inform the Unit Trust industry (C23) that the C23 will be implemented in September 2019. Both the Web Interface and IPP projects are in green.

Hi @winningvish,

Try this
string.replace(“”“,” ").ToString

I am getting an error if I use this
"String constants must with an double quote

Hey winning vish use this

String.replace( “”“”,“”)
It worked for me. Using two double quotes inside the quoted we use for string does the trick.


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