How to remove the duplicate Integer data in excel sheet


i have excel data i want to apply filter on COl2 to remove the duplicate rows if Col2 is contains Integers not on Sting data duplicates rows.

col1 col2


col1 col2

help me

Check this below workflow and change the filepath and sheet name in read range :+1: , @anilkumar.vegi
Uipath_RemoveDuplicateInteger.xaml (6.0 KB)
Hope this may help you :slight_smile:

thanks you… i am checking

Working fine…


i have one small point i missed it here sorry…

i want to check both col1 and col2 data is matching only i want to delete it… please help
some times col1 data is changing

col1 col2

in this case i my o/p:

col1 col2

Hi @anilkumar.vegi ,

Check this attachment Test.xaml (10.8 KB)

Hi ,

while appending the string data to interger data it is duplicating …
2 times repeating same data.

help me

Thanks for solution here foreach loop is using some times my data is more no of data …

Share your sample data so that I can check from myside

There is no other option without loop, for each can process any no. of data.

Thanks ,


RNO Pos Column3
R1402293 1 123
R1402293 1 123
R1402293 A 123
R1402293 A 123
R1402293 1 123
R1402294 1 123
R1402294 1 123
R1402294 2 123
R1402294 B 123
R1402294 B 123


RNO Pos Column3
R1402293 1 123
R1402293 A 123
R1402293 A 123
R1402294 1 123
R1402294 2 123
R1402294 B 123
R1402294 B 123


these 2 records only expect.

we have to eliminate repeated


Check the o/p here the workflow is working fine as your expectation

perfect bro

this is only expected