How to read the selected neighbor row value in excel and write in web page

hi ,
I wanted to read the value of project name that is citizen in the below excel sheet.

and write these value in web page as below

Please help with xaml code.


Read the excel using Read Range activity and create a variable for Datatable let’s say dt_ProjectDetails

Now you can use Filter Datatable as you have first 2 rows as gap, so the headers will be like Column1 for Field and Column2 for Value

write in Filter Datatable as “Column1” = Project Name

Take a String variable like strValue = dt_ProjectDetails.Rows(0).Item(“Column2”).Tostring

This will save citizen to strValue, you can pass this variable to a typeInto activity to type in website

Hope this may help you


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thankyou @Srini84 for your solution
As I’m trying your steps getting below error for the assign activity

can you please send your xaml code?


I guess you copied the exact value fromhere…

In you code please replace the incerted comma…

I believe currently they look like this “ and ideally they should be like this "

When you copy generally the inverted comma might be wrong …so make sure to remove and re add them


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thanks @Srini84 @Anil_G . it worked.
now i wanted to write that in web page
can you please help on how to select that strValue in webpage which has drop down with multiple project names
for e.g. option in drop down are godrej, citizen, tupperware, xxxx, yyyy, zzz…
but i wanted to select the strValue i.e citizen.
How can we do that?


Check if select item works …if yes then pass this strvalue as the value to select in the select item activity


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