How to read tab delimited CSV file

Hello guys,

Currently, I’m working with a CSV file which I have to convert it to a data table. but the CSV file I’m using is tab delimited file.

I used the “Read CSV file” object and select the Tab delimiter. and also I tried by using “\t” as well noting worked

Kindly requesting your help on this.

Herewith I have attached the csv file downloadable
link inventory.csv - Google Drive

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Hi @charith_wickramasing,
Can you upload the csv file? Thanks :slight_smile:


Here with I have attached the link to download the CSV file


I downloaded the file and checked but I did not find ‘Tab’ as delimiter in your CSV file. All the data is mixed without space also.

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Hi @charith_wickramasing

I also checked your file. However only the header has a space separator. But the data does not have any character to split the data…


Hi @charith_wickramasing,
This is what I can extract from your CSV file: output.xls (37.4 KB)



Buddy we have an option called Generate data table activity that can generate datatable from a structured csv file…

  1. read the csv file with read text file with its output assigned to a variable out_txt
  2. use generate data table activity to convert that to datatable with input out_txt and output assigned to a variable out_dt
    Kindly enable use column header

Hope this would help you


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but in the excel i can split this in to columns by using text to columns , tab delimiter function. Thats’s why i thought it can split using tab

Hi @charith_wickramasing

check below attached xaml file.
Sequence.xaml (12.3 KB)

Bro, but i can split into columns by using excel text to column function ( tab delimited), That’s why i thought i can split this by using a tab.

Thanks a lot, @kommijeevan, but it didn’t work. :frowning:

hi @Jan_Brian_Despi

would you be able to share the xaml file ?

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Here it is: (22.0 KB)

Thanks and regards :slight_smile:


try (44.1 KB)

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hi @kommijeevan

Thanks, lot for the help. but it didn’t work. it gives me this output.

Book1.xlsx (47.7 KB)

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Thanks a lot @Jan_Brian_Despi

It worked. but I want an output like this.

Book1.xlsx (34.2 KB)

Would you be able to help me with this?

Thanks again.

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Oh. You just need those details that are clear?

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Yeah jan, by using that data i have to extract some information from a web portal. that why all the data should be clear…

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Hi @charith_wickramasing,
Here you go: (22.9 KB)

The output is Book1.xlsx

You may want to visit this link:

Please let me know if it works :slight_smile:


Hi @Jan_Brian_Despi.

It worked perfectly. :ok_hand: :smiley: Thanks a lot Jan,