I want to read this colored row from excel.
Hi @muneeb,
You want to select the row based on the colour?
Hi muneeb,
Maybe you can use Get Cell Color activity in while loop. You can keep a column header value in array.
Array = {“A”,“B”,“C”}
counter1 = 0
counter2= 2
String str = Array(counter1) + counter2.ToString
You can keep all Cell values in a row. And finally, you control it all of them
i need to extract all values from from 3 row.
i want to read values dynamically because number of column changed every time
This is not colored in original file. i need to extract all values from from 3 row.
i want to read values dynamically because number of column changed every time
This is not the colored row in original file. i need to extract all values from from 3 row.
i want to read values dynamically because number of column changed every time
Use read range activity, you’ll get all excel data in a datatable.
Then you can access the third row as follows, suppose the output of the read range activity is dt.
Then dt.row(2) will return the entire third row.
You always want to read 3 rd row only
I want row 3rd and last row