How to read multiple lines from notepad

Hello people,
i am facing issue with the Regex (regular expression)
i need to take multiple lines after the String “Timeband” ,it is working fine when i scrap single line with
regex → :arrow_down_small:
“TimeBand " +System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Match(text,”(?<=Time Band)(.*)").Value

But, When it comes to read Multiple lines after “TimeBand” what would be the regular expression
need some help

thanx in advance


@prathamesh.c Use Assign activity

txtdata= File.ReadAllLines(“Filepath\111.txt”) and assign it to another output variable and check and extract data using IF condition and string operations like substring,Index …

Thanx buddy

@prathamesh.c, Use the following syntax to get multiple lines after the word Time Band,

System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Match(text,”(?<=Time Band)((.|\n)*)")

According to the input image,above code will output a string starting with II Rate…473460]

Dominic :slight_smile:

Hey bro,

I am Revanth and I need a favor. I am converting text file to CSV in UiPath and I have used the syntax you used, the thing is it’s copying the whole data but I need only the next line of that data. Can you tell me how to go for next line ?, I mean the syntax for that. I 'll be waiting for your response

Thank you