I want to read mail from outlook.
Condition received mail time 13.00 - 14.00 and date today.
please guide me about it.
I want to read mail from outlook.
Condition received mail time 13.00 - 14.00 and date today.
please guide me about it.
@fairymemay Please try this and let me know if it not works,
“[ReceivedTime] >= ‘”+now.ToString(“ddd, dd MMM yyyy”)+" 00:00:00’ AND [ReceivedTime] <= ‘‘“+now.ToString(“ddd, dd MMM yyyy”)+” 00:10:00’"
paste this into the Filter field to filter mails from today and set time from 00:00:00 to 00:10:00.
"@SQL=urn:schemas:httpmail:datereceived > '" + Now.ToUniversalTime.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy 00:00:00")+ "' AND urn:schemas:httpmail:datereceived < '" + Now.ToUniversalTime.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy 10:00:00")+ "'"
@jack.chan After fill filter not found email in output.
But in mail have received mail time 00:06:00 (hh:mm:ss)
Please guide me more.
how about this
"@SQL=urn:schemas:httpmail:datereceived > '" + Now.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy 00:00:00")+ "' AND urn:schemas:httpmail:datereceived < '" + Now.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy 10:00:00")+ "'"
@jack.chan Same , not found email in output.