How To Read Emails That Contain Both Mime-Part (Text/Html and Text/Plain)

How to read emails that contain both mime-part (text/html and text/plain)?

When reading emails via IMAP protocol (Using the "Get IMAP Mail" - Activity), it can only read mails that contain only one text mime-part (text/html or text/plain). Since most of the received emails contain more than one text/... - mime-part, when using System.NET.Mail a NULL-string could be received when emails contain both mime parts.

To be able to read emails that contain both mime-parts the email can be processed using Regular Expression:

  1. Use a get IMAP message activity; it’s result will be a list of mail messages.
  2. Use a for each loop with type argument System.Net.Mail.MailMessage
  3. In the above regex, ‘item’ is each MailMessage item in the list of mailmessages.
  4. Assign string with one of the following, mail_body=
  • System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(item.Headers(“HTMLBody”),"(<.*?>)|({.*})|(.*[}\)--{;]\s?\r\n)|(\r?\n@.*)|(.*[}{;]$)",String.Empty).Trim

  • System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(item.Headers(“HTMLBody”),"(<.*?>)|({.*})|(.*[}\)--{;]\s?\r\n)|(\r?\n@.*)|(.*[}{;]$)",String.Empty)

  1. Now 'mail_body' holds the captured plain text from the HTML mail
