How to read below XML Field name tag using for each

Hi ,

I am not sure how to read value of if field Name=test-id in for each loop after deserialize it. Kindly help out. I Attached my XML.



runs.xml (54.2 KB)

can you share the xml file with us or at least copy the screenshot content as text here. For posting the xml data please format it with the </> from the editor. Thanks

Hi ,

Thanks for reply. Here I have attached my XML file that i want to parse in Excel sheet and attached my xaml file and Excel output also. While extracting data I am getting lot of duplicates in excel. kindly help me on this issue. It’s little urgent. I attached XML ,Excel And workflow file. Kindly refer and refer screenshot below.


runs.xml (54.2 KB)
x.xlsx (25.4 KB) Dummy.xaml (26.7 KB)

Find starter help here:
Stalin_r.xaml (13.1 KB)

Producing this datatable:

Kindly note: rewire your paths to XML according to your environment

Hi Sir,

Wow thank you so much. it’s help lot for me and will be helpful for other folks as well. Let me check my other xml files with same approch ,if i have doubt again ,I will post that here.

Quetion :
1.xmlData1.Root.Elements(“Entity”).toList - Why do we add root here. For all xml can i use came approch?
2.item.Descendants(“Field”).toList - What is descendants means.


Entity is a child from the root element. With Root we can express it within a short statement

Descendants is looking for the elements on every deeper level. So it was shorter to write instead of writing it has to look for all field under fields

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