Can anyone tell me how to read and write data from smartsheet
You can use SmartSheet API for retriving the data
Check below link
Hope this helps
Thanks. Should we use http request activity in uipath studio ? If you have any sample xaml can you please post it?
Yeah you have to use http request, Also you can refer the API documentation of SmartSheet
Sorry, unfortunately i don’t have any samples that i can provide
Mark as solution if this helps
FYI we released an activity pack for Smartsheet that will remove the need to call APIs. You can download it from Connect at Smartsheet - RPA Component | UiPath Marketplace or via the official feed.
Full documentation is at
There are 47 activities in the package and there is also a generic Invoke activity that conveniently wraps all 183 API operations for anything you want to do that we don’t have a bespoke activity for.
Please try it out and let us know what you think.
Hi @paul.hoeffer,
While I am able to add rows using “Smartsheet Add Rows activity” after the filled rows in the smartsheet. How can I add rows in the middle of the filled rows. For e.g. I want to add 1 row before row 4. I do not see or could not find online any way of doing that. Please advise.
Pawan Panjwani
Hi I am trying to do a very basic integration of Smartsheet into UiPath to read in rows or even just cells from a Smartsheet containing First Name, Last Name, Email Address and be able to copy that data into a list in Constant Contact. I installed the Smartsheet integration from UiPath Marketplace but I have 2 questions:
- do I have to do the setup with integration key or token? I have no idea how to do this and don’t understand the instructions (I am a beginner at using UiPath and the Smartsheet integration was not covered in class, but I would like to use it for my class project since it has practical benefit for me).
- I looked at the list of activities but I don’t see a way to just copy or import rows or individual cells from a Smartsheet into a UiPath data table or variable?
What I am trying to do is copy First Name, Last Name, Email address from SmartSheet into UiPath variables and then copy those UiPath variables over into specified fields in Constant Contact. Is it possible to do “For each row in data table” in Smartsheet to copy info from Smartsheet into a UiPath data table? When I look at the activities, it looks like they all work within the Smarthsheets, but don’t transfer info over to UiPath datatable unless I am not understanding?
I would also be interested in using the Smartsheet Integration that I installed from the UiPath marketplace to download csv file from a Smartsheet and then use the csv file to do “for each row” to create data table in UiPath but I don’t know how to do that?
Anyone who can offer suggestions/advice / screenshots I’d really appreciate it.
Please let me know how you were able to add data row to existing smart sheet using UiPath activities. If possible please share a xaml file.