How to put business rule exception in flow decision?


its my first time trying to make a flowchart workflow. i just want to ask
how to throw a business rule exception when the flowchart decision is false.

i feel shy showing my work, please dont laugh at it :stuck_out_tongue:

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Is this the one you are looking for ?


Else you can assign the exception using assign activity

Depends upon your condition.You can use ThrowException activities to throw BusinessRuleException @bri

cheers :smiley:

Happy learning :smiley:

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Hi, at the false side of the decision flow
use 'Throw’activity
And in the throw write as
New uipath.core.businessruleexception(“your exception message”)

i will try this @vinay_reddy. will get back.

Sure , Happy Automation

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@vinay_reddy, i hope this throw will not stop the robot while running? it will just add log and continue to next item?

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In this case , use try catch inside for each row loop
Then use this throw at decision box
At the catch block just catch the exception , don’t use throw

im confuse :frowning:

for If decision and flow decisions, log message can be used. Business Exception vs Application Exception