How to paste downloaded data in folder and inside folder multiple zip file how to write in Excel file

Hello guys,

  1. I’m downloading the some folders (folders name are fixed)
    2.Inside the folder there is multiple zip files in the form of PAN NUMBER image shown below I have done till whatever folders are available theres name pasting in the excel
Ex. FOLDER NAME LIKE (KARVY,CAMS,HERO) these are like headers

  1. Now I want inside the folders there is the “PAN NUMBER” IN the form of zip files
    That pan number I want paste it at in Excel file below folders name which I have paste in Excel

5.How I want as a output in Excel please refer below image

I want in this form.of output in Excel file


Hello @suraj_gaikwad ,

  1. You can use copy folder activity to paste the downloaded data into the desired folder.
  2. For second , you can use ‘for each file in folder’ activity , inside the loop body you can split the filename using “_” and which will provide you the PAN Number , type :- CVLKRA , CAMS etc , date . You can this information to fill the excel form.
    For example if file name is AFBML7372M_CVLKRA_20230703_165918 , the split array will be like this [AFBML7372M,CVLKRA,20230703,165918] , the if 03/07/2023 already there the you the increase the existing of CVLKRA by one , else you will create a new row with CVLKRA value 1 and all other types as 0.
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I didn’t get your example

Basical i want to paste all zip files names in form of PAN that paste in Excel whichever folder name is exist in the excel file

Hi @suraj_gaikwad , My Example demonstrate the how you can fill the upper table in the attached screenshot, for the lower table in attached screenshot you can put the first value of the split array in the CVLKRA column.

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