How to number the item in excel (containing repeat)

Hello everyone, thanks for help.

I have a serial number problem that I want to number the item ,

but it’s not just serial number. like this image .

Three item (X Y X in column C) , because item doest emerge just once ,

so I need to use line item(column B) to count the item.

Serial number will be the same in same item(column A)

I want to use UiPath to generate column A and column B. Thanks


serial number.xlsx (9.9 KB)

Did not understand well
Can you tell me what you want to print?

thanks for your reply immediately.

I want to print column A and column B




Hi @lojyehuang,

you need to print Line item and Serial number based on the item right
Can i know the source of data ? where u getting the data and what include in it ? then we can read that data and based on that data we can build the logic how to read and write in the excel outcome you want

HI @SamanGuruge

The thing I have just the excel . Now I can solve this problem by invoke VBA and write formula in the excel .
Look at this . But I want to use Uipath to solve this problem, too. Thanks!


Hi @lojyehuang.

Now understood Luckily you can do this using UiPath.
just you need to pass Items as source
give me a moment i’ll post you a sample project

Share! I also want to know how to solve this problem without VBA !
Main.xaml (6.4 KB) vb_serialnumber_ansi.txt (1.4 KB)

find some starter help here:
Count_GroupIds-GroupItem_1Col.xaml (10.6 KB)
running with this Excel:
Items.xlsx (9.7 KB)

I Just adopted some names (Column, Worksheet), but feel free to modify it by your needs.

Let us know your feedback

1 Like (26.6 KB)

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Thanks!! this is what I want!!

Thanks @yundw this works fine

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