How to monitoring the real time graph in website

how to monitoring the real time graph in website using uipath robot.
how to click on real time graph .

Hi @Shashi_Kumar1

Any particular example would help :slight_smile:

i will send you a screen shot .
My question in this screen shot graph is that

  1. how we can click the peak point on that graph,every 2 hour .
  2. how we will find this is the latest peak on that graph.

Interesting example. If I were to approach it, I would look at the underlying code of the site trying to figure out where this data is stored, how to access it and then filter out what I want.

Otherwise, with the UI, it depends how the graph behaves based on input.
For example, if you can traverse all vertical lines with a hotkey, while simultaneously having the value display somewhere else (or in a pop-up), it could maybe be possible to create a loop that will go over the entire graph, extract all values and then use that to figure out which value was the biggest.

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how to extract data from graph.
if possible please refer any video.

Just use a click activity and point to the peak point and see what is the selector you find, hoping the graph produces a good one, put it here so we can help you.

We have multiple numbers of peak in graph ,every 2 hours graph will chang the peak vale ,then how i use click acativity.

First things first… Im saying now just to start building a solution, we need to know if a good selector can be extracted from your graph…

Could you please check below selector how can we create dynamic selector in real time monitoring graph

Hi Bruno
Here I find the selector of the graph.

<webctrl css-selector='body&gt;div&gt;div&gt;div&gt;div&gt;div&gt;div&gt;div&gt;div&gt;svg&gt;g&gt;g&gt;path' parentid='highcharts-4' tag='path' parentclass='highcharts-markers highcharts-tracker' idx='7' />

can you please help me out.

hmm… this dont look very good, what you need is pick a few more attributes there to make this more stable, and also get some other points in your graph, so you can make sure you can make this dynamic and be sure to be able to get the highest one…