How to Log KPIs (Success, Exceptions) with StudioX

Hello everyone,

I have a question.
When using StudioX I would like to log (as simple as possible without too many log files) how often the bot ran successfully or with exceptions.
I considered writing into an excel file after every run of the bot and save it somewhere everyone has access to.
But I am not quite happy with this solution.

For Studio it is easy because I can design a bot reading the queue items of a specific queue and save the extracted data.
But as StudioX does not use Orchestrator Queues, I have no idea how to monitor the runs.

Does anyone maybe have an idea?

Kind regards,


hi @BotWolf,

Welcome to the UiPath Forum!

This article might be helpful to you: Log message in Studio X

Hope this helps. Thanks.

Kind regards,

Hi Kenneth,

yes, this is exactly the solution I was searching for.
Thank you so much for your help.

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