I’m trying to find a solution. The dilemma I’m having at deck is that I’m attempting to automate a scenario where a webpage has thousands of pages, but when I click on a specific item and go to the download page, it doesn’t keep track of the current page, and it always goes back to the very first page, despite the fact that I do it for every item, so I only succeed for the first page.
Is there a way to search the pagenumber? You can use a variable to store the last page number. Then use a while to increase the value of a counter variable. Suppose if it is “i”, set default value as “1”. Then inside while increase the value by 1; i=i+1
This is the situation I’m in. I’m not scraping data; all I need to do is click the view button, which will take me to a page where I may download a document.
Then I go back to the previous page and repeat the process for the remaining items. @ppr, your technique is brilliant, but I’m working on incorporating it to see how I can handle it.
But if we can get a one on one, that would be extremely beneficial, Sir.
Once you click on view button and to navigate back to the same page use Navigate To activity to navigate to the previous page (Output of Get Attribute is the input of Navigate To Activity)
I’ve an idea of opening a new window for each view click I open a new window but the challenge comes in on what to populate in the URL section because each view click has a different URL
URL Format is application/view/*
The last number that keeps changing isn’t sequentially so am boxing with how I can formulate my URL in open browser activity such that is dynamic
So what I did to solution for that
I used data scraping then I scrapped only the view extracting it’s URL and then I used a for Each and I looped through all of them.