I want to get the number of pages that change dynamically


What do you write a conditional expression that uses a loop but leaves the loop?

while (nextPageExists)
      pageNum = pageNum + 1
 --- look for the page number
      if not exists
         ---- nextPageExists = False

im sorry i don’t understand this loop

show me Create a sample project plz

Sure… I will send you the sample project.

If you find carefully with UiExplorer you can find a selector of a generic frame. This will be always stable… irrespective of size. Just pick up that element selector and pass that into get text activity. That will return numbers as text.
Use those numbers text and take maximum number as your maximum page number and pass it into a loop.

Hope my inputs are useful

use Data Scraping for pagination.

Resolved using Exist activity.


i have same situation.

i have scrapped the pages(total 5 pages) and after that i want it should come to 1 st page and then do some operations but it scrape all the pages but doesn’t come back to 1st page.
how to achieve it, kindly reply.

Can you post your page count screenshot and what you are loop logic… it will be useful to guide fast manner.


here is the image of page.

And i want that after scraping all the page it should come back to page 1 and then do some operation after doing operation for 1st page then select 2nd page and again do same operation and so on until last page and till last data.


Choose this highlighted area as a selector and get the maximum number for the page loop. Once you get the maximum number then start your loop from 1st to Maximum number.
Inside the loop 1st iteration will be on the 1st page… and end of the 1st page operation inside the loop do increment and 2nd iteration should click on 2nd page. etc…

how to get the maximum no of page loop? do i need to change in selectors?

I have made highlighted in red color in the above screenshot. that’s your selector for Maximum count of the page. Once you get Maximum count of the page then your do while loop will start.

i used click activity
then used while loop


now i am looking for logic to select 1st page, how to do it.

side the loop use click activity and increment Page_No variable for each iteration.

when it scrap all the pages it will be like this


so i want then it should go to page 1 by selecting the dropdown.

kindly explain me in details, how to achieve it, as i am new to uipath.

Well if it is a publicly available application then some one from forum can build and share with you… if it is your internal application then you may need to contact your Lead for more code help.