This topic is a step by step guide for integrating Powershell with UiPath. There is an ‘Invoke Powershell Activity’ available in UiPath which can be used to run the powershell scripts.
For our example purpose, let us consider a simple powershell script which gives us the status of windows services on the machine. This script will have two input parameters:
• ServiceState (String) – To get the status of service. For e.g. ‘Running’ , ‘Stopped’ etc
• OutputFilePath – The path of file where the output of script will be saved.
Follow the steps below to run the powershell script via UiPath.
Save the Powershell script file in the text format. For e.g. If you have a powershell file with name ‘GetService.ps1’. open the file with notepad and save it as ‘GetService.txt’.
Identify the parameters used in the Powershell script. For e.g. ServiceState and OutputFilePath as shown in example below.
P.S. There should be comma " , " between the the parameters. i.e. after ‘[string]$ServiceState’ in the example above.
In UiPath, use the ‘Read Text File’ activity in your flowchart. Provide the ‘File name’ as the full file path of the Powershell file ‘GetService.txt’ which is saved in text format earlier. Save the output ‘content’ of the Read text file activity into a variable, for. E.g. ‘PSScript’ as shown below.
Add ‘Invoke Power Shell’ activity into your flowchart after the ‘Read Text File’. In the command field enter the variable name ‘PSScript’ i.e. the content of text file read earlier.
In the properties of ‘Invoke Power Shell’ , check the option of ‘IsScript’.
Click on Parameters and enter the parameters for scripts identified earlier. (Parameters value can be passed through variables. In our example, we have passed the values directly)
Save the UiPath workflow and Run the flowchart.
After the flowchart runs successfully, navigate to the Output folder path and check if the output file is generated as shown below:
I mean lets stay this is part of a flow, and we need to do something on the stopped processes. So we would do a for each and then execute something for each stopped process… Instead of reading the text and splitting it, could we work directly with the output of the invoke ps.
Even I haven’t used it. What I understand is, it is used for piping concept explained here .
It can be used when we want to pipe multiple invoke powershell activities.
Trying to create an example but no luck so far. I am myself a novice with powershell.
will keep you posted.
@Pablito Wonder you can provide some directions? There is limited explanation on the activity.
how to run commands on Microsoft Exchange Online Powershell Module? It doesn’t work if we write command directly on Invoke Powershell activity. Can you help me to run commands on Microsoft Exchange Online Powershell Module
get-mailbox : The term ‘get-mailbox’ is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program.
Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again.
The command should run on Microsoft Exhange online Powershell module, but the bot uses normal powershell.
I have invoked a powershell and executed a python script; the bot doesn't end even after the successful output from the Workflow. It doesn't propagate go to the next activity.
I also tried using Python <> ; exit(1), still the same result. Can you help me?
I’m doing something similar, but the question 1 is: Can I remove the text script in this case and put everything in UiPath?
This is what I am passing
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $RunType,
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $ProductCode,
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $TestFile
cd C:\Users\daniel\Desktop\senna-tests\cypress-cast
npx cypress run $RunType --env, $ProductCode --spec , $TestFile
The actual result is more or less something like this:
npx cypress run --headed --env code=WR --spec “cypress/integration/dongle/1-purchase.js”
Question 2:
Can I preload the command line then iterate for different arguments?
Note: I’m not asking about launching a windows guy and copy and paste, but actually invoke
So I basically I need:
Step 1: npx cypress run --headed (initialize the application via powershell and maintain it open)
Step 2: npx cypress run --headed --env code=WR --spec “cypress/integration/dongle/1-purchase.js”
Step 3: npx cypress run --headed --env code=WD --spec “cypress/integration/dongle/1-purchase.js”
Step 4: npx cypress run --headed --env code=WR --spec “cypress/integration/dongle/2-upgrade.js”
Step 5: npx cypress run --headed --env code=WD --spec “cypress/integration/dongle/2-upgrade.js”
Note: I am not talking about CMD, it’s too unstable. I discovered powershell is very powerfull because it even detects the ending of the script automatically and way more stable than CMD for my node / cypress app
Hi, thank you so much for this article. It is very usefull for me.
I tried doing something more practical for me and I edit the script and remove the parameters from the activity and it worked. By the way I am new with uipath but I love it.
my new script this.
/* Open excell, the calculator and a notepad with todo text */
Start-Process excel
Start-Process calc
$today = date
$Todo = “Todos $today”
echo $Todo > todo
start-Process notepad todo
get-mailbox : The term ‘get-mailbox’ is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program.
Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again.
The command should run on Microsoft Exhange online Powershell module, but the bot uses normal powershell.
There are things that should be easy, but prove otherwise. Can you please explain how to pass a DataTable into a one-liner like “$dataTable | Select-Object $dataTable.Columns.ColumnName | ConvertTo-Json” and output a single JSON string from it?