Hi team,
We need identify Uipath path version using scripts and also how can i get the registry keys.
Hi team,
We need identify Uipath path version using scripts and also how can i get the registry keys.
HI…I need the version detail…I didn’t find any entry in Registry key. So is there any way to identify the version of Uipath installed on machine(without opening Uipath tool) through scripts.
@ovi does the version information exist in any of the files inside the UiPath Platform folder?
[System.Diagnostics.FileVersionInfo]::GetVersionInfo("C:\Program Files (x86)\UiPath Platform\UiStudio.exe").FileVersion
FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo("C:\Program Files (x86)\UiPath Platform\UiStudio.exe").ProductVersion
Hi Richard,
Vinay’s solution is the only way I know.
But i’m curious what’s the use case for this. If you have Studio installed on the machine why not open it to find out the version?
I think the point is to perhaps run a check from the server to see which versions of Studio are installed across multiple machines? Perhaps a nice idea for a diagnostics feature within Orchestrator?