How to give the URL for the use application activity


I want to extrac the data from a pdf. the documents are in a website. When I click on view/download documents, its navigating to new tab in the browser. How to get the text from a pdf opened in a new tab in the browser.




try with get text activity

Can’t you download the pdf and open it with a pdf reader? it is easy to extract data when opening the document with the right application.

Hi @raju_alakuntla

check the different pdf’s, if the website link is changing at few places then try with * (wild cards). In the use application\browser activity provide the dynamic weblink.
Inside use application\browser activity insert the get text activity to scrap the data from the website.

Hope it helps!!

can you send aby screenshots please


How can I send @raju_alakuntla

Do one thing
When you are opening the pdf in the website there is URL.
Do open the two to three pdf’s and copy those URL’s and post here.

Then I will guide you where you have to use wildcards.

Hope you understand!!

1St Url:




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Okay @raju_alakuntla

Use the below one in the use application\browser activity.*

In the properties of Use application\browser activity give like this
Open → Always
Close → Always
Window attach mode → Single window

Inside Use application\browser activity insert the get text activities and all.

Hope it helps!!


I have changed as per your suggestion but this time the document is not opening.


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Change the window attach mode to application instance and try.

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