→ Use read text file activity to read the json file and store in a String Variable called InputJson.
→ Use the deseralize Json activity to deseralize the json data from the InputJson variables and store the output in a JsonObject datatype variable.
→ After that use the assign activity to extract the value and store in a String datatype variable.
1. Deserialize JSON
- JsonString: Your JSON string
- JsonObject: jsonObject
2. Assign
- To: testExecutionKey
- Value: jsonObject("testExecutionKey").ToString()
Hi @Mathkar_kunal
Download UiPath.WebAPI.Acitvities to get Deseialize JSON activity
Store that Json in a text file.
Input: JSON.txt (322 Bytes)
→ Use Read Text File acitivity and store the output say JsonString
→ Use Deserialise Json and store the output like JObject
→ Use the below syntax in message box: