Get specific values form json file


i need to split below json and need to get values of defects
check below json

“testExecutionKey”: “P000110-15004”,
“tests”: [
“status”: “PASS-PARTIALLY”,
“testKey”: “P000110-6436”,
“start”: “2023-11-22T09:43:48+01:00”,
“executedBy”: “abc”,
“defects”: [
“evidences”: ,
“steps”: [
“status”: “PASS”,
“defects”: ,
“status”: “EXECUTING”,
“defects”: [
“assignee”: “abc”,
“testEnvironments”: ,
“iterations”: ,
“comment”: “null”

i need values under defects which are

and values under second defect which is in steps

let me now how can i achieve this
one json file contains multiple testKey’s which is under “testExecutionKey” but one json contains only one testExecutionKey
above is for one test key


check above thread

here values in array splitting with comma.
will it get values one by one in array?

Hi @Mathkar_kunal

Deserialize JSON: JSONString → jsonObject

defectsArray = jsonObject("tests")(0)("defects").ToString
stepsArray = jsonObject("tests")(0)("steps").ToArray
secondDefectsArray = stepsArray(1)("defects").ToString

Hi @Mathkar_kunal



Hope it helps!!

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Hi @Mathkar_kunal

Try the below syntaxes:

defectsValues= String.Join(vbCrLf,JObject("tests")(0)("defects").ToObject(Of JArray).Select(Function(x) x.ToString()).ToArray())
secondDefectsValues= String.Join(vbcrlf,JObject("tests")(0)("steps")(1)("defects").ToObject(Of JArray).Select(Function(x) x.ToString()).ToArray())



one of many options which can also be adapted

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thanks can u tell how to extract defect from ollowing

“status”: “EXECUTING”,
“defects”: [

need below values

Hi @Mathkar_kunal

  1. Deserialize JSON - Output as JObj
  2. Use Assign Activity with Variable ArrDefects - String(Of Array)

And use below expression

ArrDefects = If(JObj.SelectToken(“tests[0].defects”) IsNot Nothing, JObj.SelectToken(“tests[0].defects”).ToObject(Of String()), Nothing)

Hope it will helps you :slight_smile:




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