I want to get the value from specific excel cell based on the another column cell value availibility.
Below is the screenshot for more reference.
As per above screenshot if C8 value is not blank then get the cell value from B8 & D8.
I have attached my Sample solution for more reference. Read_Cell_One_by_One_Sample.zip (24.3 KB)
thnx for reply,
In this case Cell reference will not be fixed, using For Each activity I am reading one by one cell. So Unless and until my F column cell value become Blank I need to get the value form Right side cell value & Left side cell value.
Let’s say u intialise a int32 varaible counter with intial value of 8
Then use while loop with condition as True
Inside the while loop :
Use read cell activitiy to store the data in C Column with cell reference as “C”+(counter).ToString and store in generic datatype varaible let’s say input_1
Now use if Condition with condition as
input_1<>" "
If it is true
Then use read cell activitiy to read cell “B”+counter.ToString and “D”+counter.ToString
If it is false then use break statement to break out of loop
Next use assign activitiy to increment the counter by one