Hi All i need the regex expression to get the Account Number an d the Value after the Account Number based on the length using Regex expression
Hi All i need the regex expression to get the Account Number an d the Value after the Account Number based on the length using Regex expression
Please try this in assign
Str_acctnum = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Match(str,"(?<=account number )\d{12}").Value
Str_nextnum = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Match(str,"(?<=account number \d{12} is )\d{7}").Value
Hope this helps
i want the regex for getting individual ones
It is for individual ones only…first is for account number second is for the second number
it is working thanks you so much
Happy Automation
Please mark the solution and close the topic so that other can also get help
sorry for wrong expression please look in the below mentioned string
Use this for the number between sba and submit
Expression remains same as in previous post.
Account number
(?<=account number\s*)\d{12}
Number after that
(?<=account number\s*\d{12}\s*is\s*)\d{7}
i want the string is “means including SBA in the account number and the symbol “-” and after the string have the Numeric value
3 patterns is not working please revisit it again
i want this string "
and the remaining two patterns also not working
Thats is what i procided above and all the patterns are working for fiven string…if the string is changing or casing is changing then use System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Match(str,"(?<=account number\s*)\d{12}",regexoptions.IgnoreCase).Value
for the first string we have to start form “SBA-” and after that it needs to starts from Numeric value and ends with Numeric and no special characters is present
for the remaining two strings need to starts numeric and ends with numeric and no characters and no special characters
please find the proper regex for the satisfying the above conditions