How to get the receive date from mails which having both sent and received date?

Hi Team,

I am using another tool to read mails that is POP3 server which is having both dates like "Sent date and time" and “Receive date and time”.

So I am getting “sent date n time” by using item.Headers(“Date”).

But how to get the Receive date n time any syntax?

Thanks in Advance…


There is some confusion in the question @Snehamayi

Just check, if it is reading the mail, it will have only one time. I mean, if you are retrieving the mails from Inbox folder, it will have only the received time. If you are reading mails from sent items, it will have sent time.

Correct me if I’m wrong by the way :slight_smile:


No my question is like in my mail Inbox header part I have both the date and time for when it is Sent and when I received the mail . The mail box is not Outlook its some different application.

So I am asking can I get the Receive date and time from the mail …Is there any syntax?

Hi @Snehamayi
What application do you want to extract sent and received date

Ashwin S

that is client application

Hi @Snehamayi

Did you try using get text or get attribute activity


yes I am getting from there any other ways…