left side is the Input for the DT , and i need the Output as the Right Table.
can you please help me to find out the logic using LinQ only.
Thank you in Advance!!
left side is the Input for the DT , and i need the Output as the Right Table.
can you please help me to find out the logic using LinQ only.
Thank you in Advance!!
Welcome to the forum
Prepare an empty DataTable with build datatable and configure the target column structure - dtTarget
dtTarget = dtOrig.Clone + Add Data Column activity and add the Count col at the end
Assign Actvity
dtTarget =
(From d in dtOrig.AsEnumerable
Group d by k1=d("Name").toString.Trim, k2=d("Sports").toString.Trim into grp=Group
Let ra = new Object(){k1,k2, grp.Count}
Select r = dtTarget.Rows.Add(ra)).CopyToDataTable
it is working .
thank you @ppr ,
Happy Automation
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