Hi Team,
How to merge the two data table and Get Count using Group by in linq
while merge the columns not found in previous columns add new columns.
Hi Team,
How to merge the two data table and Get Count using Group by in linq
while merge the columns not found in previous columns add new columns.
It would be great of you can give sample input and output.
Name | Class |
AA | XX |
AA | XX |
BB | YY |
BB | YY |
CC | VV |
Name | Class | Leave |
AA | XX | YY |
BB | YY | YY |
BB | YY | YY |
CC | VV | YY |
DD | TT | YY |
Required Output
Name | Class | Leave | Count |
AA | XX | XX | 3 |
BB | YY | YY | 4 |
CC | VV | VV | 2 |
DD | TT | TT | 1 |
Let us know if this works for you
Add Data Column activity is used to add “Count” Column in dt3
dt3 = (From rw In dt3.AsEnumerable Group rw By k1=rw("Name").ToString.Trim,k2=rw("Class").ToString.Trim Into grp=Group select dt3.Clone.LoadDataRow({grp(0)(0).ToString,grp(0)(1).ToString,grp(0)(2).ToString,grp.Count},True)).CopyToDataTable
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