I want to fetch the text from string with reference of specific text.
Ex. Below is my string and want to get one by one text like Supplier after colon, Supplier No, Amount and stored in variable.
Your action is required for following supplier invoice.
Supplier: 00001234 - ABC Supplier No.: 00001234
Amount: 123.45 Invoice No.: 123456789
Blocking Code: NP
Company Number: 456
Transaction Id: 123451234512345
Invoice Date: 2022-12-20T00:00:00-08:00
Invoice Due Date: 2023-02-18T00:00:00-08:00
Invoice Total Amount: 520.45
Invoice Currency: EUR
Invoice Amount USD: 535.88
I tried with below activity which gives me correct string output and from the same output want to fetch data.
Check the attached workflow, based on the config and input text it does the job. Even you can have multiple param to extract single string/ ExtractString.zip (9.4 KB)