How to get outh2.0 access token using clientid and client secret

I am trying to get access token using oauth2.0.
My grant type is client Credentials
I have an api key and also using client ID and client secret.
so I can add api key, cliend ID/secret to headers, but are they auto encrypted?
Also, what about grant type? where does that go?
I have no issue with postman just trying to see feasibility of using UiPath


Instead of using oauth on postman…in postman try to make a call to the oauth url with required header and body prameters and then use that format or the curl in UiPath…

Or an ideal way would be to use integration services and map your api where you can giv the oauth 2.0 auth


I want to replicate the oauth2 process in UiPath.
As I mentioned, I can run it in Postman, I want to be able to create an access token in UiPath with the parameters I listed above.


then just copy the curl and you can import it using http request activity


any example of this config in request activity?

