How to get list data and store in excel from dropdown list


 I am trying to get the list from the dropdown list and store it in excel. 

I did try to use find children but not working,
I did try to use get attribute still the same. Please guide me.

its the dropdown option



use select item to dropdown list



What error did you get?

I need to save the listed data in Excel. is that possible.

Already i did try the select item and it is able to fetch the list but how to store that in excel.

no data found like that.


use get text activity

Can you share:

  • The selector for the dropdown
  • the filter that you use Find Children
  • Selector for an item of the the dropdown

Hello @srinivasanma1

  1. Open Browser: Navigate to your web application.
  2. Click: Identify and click on the dropdown element to open the list.
  3. Find Children: Find the list items within the dropdown and store them in a variable (e.g., “DropDownItems”).
    • Selector: Configure the selector to target the list items.
  4. For Each: Iterate through “DropDownItems” to process each list item.
    • Current: Create a variable to store the current list item (e.g., “CurrentItem”).
    • TypeArgument: Set the data type to UiPath.Core.UiElement.
  5. Get Text: Extract the text from “CurrentItem” and store it in a variable (e.g., “ItemText”).
  6. Add Data Row: Add “ItemText” to a data table (e.g., “DataTable”).
  7. End For Each: Finish processing all list items.
  8. Write Range: Write “DataTable” to an Excel file.
    • File Path: Specify the file path where you want to save the Excel file.
    • Sheet Name: Specify the name of the sheet.
    • Starting Cell: Set the cell where you want to start writing the data.

Thanks & Cheers!!!

Nope its also not working. I did try this already but i didt use get text activity. Now i used get text but no use bro.

this is the output i got