Hi Team,
Could you please help on how to get and download excel files from Sharepoint by using office 365 scope . I attached the folder path in below screenshot.
Hi Team,
Could you please help on how to get and download excel files from Sharepoint by using office 365 scope . I attached the folder path in below screenshot.
To work with the Sharepoint, we have activities in UiPath. Install the UiPath.MicrosoftOffice365.activities package and search for the Sharepoint activities in activities panel.
Use the Download File activity to download the files from the Sharepoint.
Check the below documentation for better understanding,
Hope it helps!!
How can we pass the input to download file activity?
Hey @manojmanu.rpa this link help you to For Downloading files from Sharepoint.
also there are some steps you need to do before using these activities
If using modern office activities then in download you can select the file and folder
If classic first use find files/folders activity then the response or output of that activity is to be used in the download file
In find files
Query : give the filename with extension
Sub folder : 2-ACTIVE\…\E-Excel Documents
Sp url - is the base url till name after sites in url
Document library - generally it is documents, unless you change the name
Thanks, but find files/folder activity is not available
Then you might be on modern…if on modern activities then you should be able to select the file directly
Also ideally find files should be available please check through activities…or share a screenshot here of the download activity you are trying to use
Find files is similar to get file…now what issue are you facing?
As I see you already configured the activities?
One thing you are missing is the authentication of scope …