I would like to know if there is any way to get an event (as there is no activity related to it) from the Outlook Agenda with Ui Path ? Except by doing it manually with the robot (i.e. open Outlook, go to Agenda, and select an Event).
I managed to do so, unfortunately it throws an error when I run the XAML File in Ui Path.
Do you have any idea of where it can come from ? Searched on Google but none of the answers provided helped in my case.
Here is the error :
Main has thrown an exception
Message: Cannot create unknown type '{clr-namespace:NameSpaceOutlook;assembly=ActivitiesOutlookAgenda}OutlookAgendaActivitiesClass'.
Source: System.Xaml
Exception Type: XamlObjectWriterException
System.Xaml.XamlObjectWriterException: Cannot create unknown type '{clr-namespace:NameSpaceOutlook;assembly=ActivitiesOutlookAgenda}OutlookAgendaActivitiesClass'.
at System.Xaml.XamlObjectWriter.WriteStartObject(XamlType xamlType)
at System.Xaml.XamlWriter.WriteNode(XamlReader reader)
at System.Xaml.XamlServices.Transform(XamlReader xamlReader, XamlWriter xamlWriter, Boolean closeWriter)
at System.Activities.XamlIntegration.FuncFactory`1.Evaluate()
at System.Activities.DynamicActivity.OnInternalCacheMetadata(Boolean createEmptyBindings)
at System.Activities.Activity.InternalCacheMetadata(Boolean createEmptyBindings, IList`1& validationErrors)
at System.Activities.ActivityUtilities.ProcessActivity(ChildActivity childActivity, ChildActivity& nextActivity, Stack`1& activitiesRemaining, ActivityCallStack parentChain, IList`1& validationErrors, ProcessActivityTreeOptions options, ProcessActivityCallback callback)
at System.Activities.ActivityUtilities.ProcessActivityTreeCore(ChildActivity currentActivity, ActivityCallStack parentChain, ProcessActivityTreeOptions options, ProcessActivityCallback callback, IList`1& validationErrors)
at System.Activities.ActivityUtilities.CacheRootMetadata(Activity activity, LocationReferenceEnvironment hostEnvironment, ProcessActivityTreeOptions options, ProcessActivityCallback callback, IList`1& validationErrors)
at System.Activities.Hosting.WorkflowInstance.ValidateWorkflow(WorkflowInstanceExtensionManager extensionManager)
at System.Activities.Hosting.WorkflowInstance.RegisterExtensionManager(WorkflowInstanceExtensionManager extensionManager)
at System.Activities.WorkflowApplication.EnsureInitialized()
at System.Activities.WorkflowApplication.Enqueue(InstanceOperation operation, Boolean push)
at System.Activities.WorkflowApplication.SimpleOperationAsyncResult.Run(TimeSpan timeout)
at System.Activities.WorkflowApplication.BeginRun(AsyncCallback callback, Object state)
at UiPath.Executor.RobotRunner.<>c__DisplayClass49_0.<OnInvokeJob>b__0()
Cannot open the link, can you just upload the nuget?
Edit: @EnzoH never mind i was able to create nuget with your code and I get a different error when i enter the date and execute the code. Something to do with the code itself.
Unfortunately I always get the same error even with your code.
I tried with another computer, still the same.
So if it works with your environment I guess the error does not come from the code but from other parameters maybe in the package creation or his interpretation by Ui Path.
Maybe you can send me your nuget package so I can try it. (I could not attach files to my post as I am a new user, that’s why I used WeTransfer previously).