How to get a table from email body and reply in the same email with same table format

Hi all,
Scenario 1:
I want to get the table from an email body and then paste it back in an email reply body and paste some values in the next columns. Sample table is below the table columns may be change as per requirement.

email response .

Scenario 2:
I want to get the table from an email body or reply in the same table while replying to the email. Like in below email format.
email response.

Hi @tayyabimtiaz1 ,

I hope you are using Outlook as mail box. IF yes steps are as:

  • Save the email in HTML format
  • Extract the table using Table Extraction
  • Edit the datatable as per your requirement
  • Reply to email in html format. Convert the datatable to HTML using this link How to convert data table to html

Hope this helps

Hi the format of table has been changed.

I need the exact format of email table. Can i read the body and then paste the value in the table and then paste back it to the emAIL reply??

Just use html properties to change the formatting.

  • :- for table border color, use bordercolor tag in table html element. You can write the color or color code for the required color instead for blue


    :- Style element helps to edit properties of text in header row, bgcolor property will change color of background of header row.

    Hope this helps

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