How to format excel sheet data from generic to text

How to format excel sheet data from generic to text

I have an excel where all the data in sheet one is in “Generic” format. I need to change the entire data to “text” format. How can I do that?

I can’t use VBA code since macros are not enabled here due to security reasons. I can’t use balareva or any other packages except uipath or Microsoft packages due to security reasons

One way is to utilize the =Text() formula in excel, using that u can convert a cell value to text

Refer this

TEXT function.

You can use write cell under excel application scope to write this formula

Thanks & Regards,
Nived N

Hi, i need to do ghe entire sheet… is it possible to do it in one go? Like may be using or any other vb expressions?

@Krithi1 Try the below one


I cant use balareva activities because of security reasons. I can use uipath activities or

(From r in DT.Asenumerable
Let a = v.Tostring.Trim).Toarray
Select DT2.Rows.add(a)).copytodatatable

@Gangadhar_Athili – could you be able to send me the workflow?