I want to find today date count in each rows once found today date in anyone row then check the count of today date if today date count is 4 then skip that row , if today date count is less then 4 like count 1 or 2 or 3 then pick the first index value in particular row then print the log message and update Today date to last index of row in particular row.
Hi @Raja.G
Please follow below steps
1.use for each row
2.create intmatch count variable and assign value as zero
3. Inside for each row use for each and pass dt.Columns to loop the column
4. Use if condition to check date value match
Convert.ToString(row(item)).Contains(“01.01.23”) the increate the count as intmatch=intmatch+1
5. Use if condition intmatch after for each to check the intmatch<4 then follow 6 step
6.use one more foreach to loop datacolumn to identify which column is empty
7. String.isnullorempty(Convert.ToString(row(item))) if true the use assign activity row(item)="01.01.2023" then use break activity