Here I have to filter the values based on the “Index” column. i.e…I have to filter the line items that starts with “0.” can we have any query option to filter the line items instead of using filter data table & for each row activities.Help me if u know
1. First read the excel and store in dt1
2. use assign activity assigning dt2 variable with below value which filters the datatable
dt2= dt1.AsEnumerable().Where(Function(row) row("Index").ToString.Trim.StartsWith("0")).CopyToDataTable
is it possible add multiple filter in this query. for ex: now i am filtering the line items that starts with “0.” I also have to filter the line items starts with “1.0”
From d in YourDataTabeVar.AsEnumerable
Let si = d.Item("Index").ToString.Trim
Where {"0","1.0"}.Any(Function (x) si.StartsWith(x))
Select r = d).CopyToDataTable