Filter by use Linq?

I want filter dataTable by use LINQ

Now my code as below.

DT_Detail.AsEnumerable().Where(Function(w) CInt(w(“APAPDT”)) >= [Start_APAPDT] and CInt(w(“APAPDT”)) <= [End_APAPDT]).CopyToDataTable

I want set value Start_APAPDT and value End_APAPDT by read file excel config (Column Start_APAPDT and column End_APAPDT )

config2.xlsx (8.9 KB)

Please guide me about it.

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I think you are almost right with your expression

Dt = DT_Detail.AsEnumerable().Where(Function(w) Convert.ToInt32(w(“APAPDT”).ToString.Trim) >= Start_APAPDT and Convert.ToInt32(w(“APAPDT”).ToString.Trim) <= End_APAPDT).CopyToDataTable

Cheers @fairymemay


I want filter column PAID_DATE too.

How to edit code ?

Now I use code as below.

DT_Detail.AsEnumerable().Where(Function(w) CInt(w("PAID_DATE")) >= [ValueToCompareWith] And CInt(w("PAID_DATE")) <= [ValueToCompareWith2]).CopyToDataTable

But now error as below.
Assign: Conversion from string “” to type ‘Integer’ is not valid.

How to solve it ? ( some row have blank data)


It looks like you are already filtering PAID_DATE, may I know still what you are looking for. Also, try the below to avoid that error

DT_Detail.AsEnumerable().Where(Function(w) CInt(w(“PAID_DATE”).ToString) >= [ValueToCompareWith] And CInt(w(“PAID_DATE”).ToString) <= [ValueToCompareWith2]).CopyToDataTable

@ushu I want filter PAID_DATE and APAPDT.

But In PAID_DATE some row have blank.

And show error as below.
Assign: Conversion from string “” to type ‘Integer’ is not valid.

It’s same as above

Just include a AND operator or use a PR operator based on the condition you need

Say for example if you want AND to be used in the same expression including Paid_Dt

Then the expression would be like this

Dt = DT_Detail.AsEnumerable().Where(Function(w) Convert.ToInt32(w(“APAPDT”).ToString.Trim) >= Start_APAPDT AND Convert.ToInt32(w(“APAPDT”).ToString.Trim) <= End_APAPDT AND
Convert.ToInt32(w(“PAID_DATE”).ToString.Trim) <= PAID_DATE).CopyToDataTable

Cheers @fairymemay

@Palaniyappan But In PAID_DATE some row have blank.

And show error as below.
Assign: Conversion from string “” to type ‘Integer’ is not valid.

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In that case use the below expression

Dt = DT_Detail.AsEnumerable().Where(Function(w) Convert.ToInt32(w(“APAPDT”).ToString.Trim) >= Start_APAPDT AND Convert.ToInt32(w(“APAPDT”).ToString.Trim) <= End_APAPDT AND
If(String.IsNullOrEmpty(w(“PAID_DATE”).ToString.Trim), False, Convert.ToInt32(w(“PAID_DATE”).ToString.Trim) <= PAID_DATE)

You can change the above false as true if you still want to continue if that Paid_Date cell has empty value

Now as we have mentioned false it won’t filter the other column if Paid_Date has null valuen in it

Cheers @fairymemay

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@Palaniyappan I have last question.

If I want read value Start_APAPDT, End_APAPDT from file config.

How to edit code?

  • Sometime config have more than 1 rows.

Please guide me more for solve it.

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Let’s take like you have datatable read from excel named dt

If you want to get only those two column before or after filtering it out

Then use this expression in assign activity to get those two specific columns alone as a datatable

Dt = Dt.DefaultView.ToTable(False, “Start_APAPDT”, “End_APAPDT”)


If you just want to read the value of two columns without separating them
Then use a for each row activity and pass dt as input and inside the loop u can use the value by mentioning as CurrentRow(“yourcolumnname”).ToString

Cheers @fairymemay

@fairymemay this might can help you

@Palaniyappan I use code follow your suggest.
But I don’t know how to pass in below expression.

Dt = DT_Detail.AsEnumerable().Where(Function(w) Convert.ToInt32(w(“APAPDT”).ToString.Trim) >= Start_APAPDT AND Convert.ToInt32(w(“APAPDT”).ToString.Trim) <= End_APAPDT AND
If(String.IsNullOrEmpty(w(“PAID_DATE”).ToString.Trim), False, Convert.ToInt32(w(“PAID_DATE”).ToString.Trim) <= PAID_DATE)

Please guide me more about it.

Fine first let’s filter the datatable with above expression and get the output with the variable named dt as mentioned above

Then use the DefaultView method to get only the two columns you want

I think that should be fine

Cheers @fairymemay

@Palaniyappan No.
first , I want to read file config and pass data for filter datatable.

Please guide me more.

I think the output you expect is going to be same in both the approach

The reason why I suggested to filter first is you have used three columns for filteration

But finally you want only two out of those

So if you get two columns in the very beginning stage then we won’t be able to filter it out with Paid_Date

That’s why first let’s filter out with three columns and then get those two columns alone as a separate datatable

Cheers @fairymemay

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Why do you want to use LINQ?

It’s not faster. Just use Filter Datatable.

@Palaniyappan File config as below.

File input as below.

I want output as below.
Uploading: image.png…

@postwick I use filter datatable but data not correct.

No data.

Then it wasn’t configured properly.

@postwick My flow as below.

Main.xaml (13.6 KB)

text.txt (853 Bytes)

Please guide me about it.