How to filter or get only date numeric values from the string

Hello guys,

I am facing one issue, I have a string “str_inputdate = 01/14/2020 IBM CORPORATION”, from the particular string i need to filter date only “01/14/2020” & I need to remove the text “IBM CORPORATION”

so please suggest, what regex can I use to remove the text or characters from the string.

Thanks, Advance

Hi @Parthiban.VD

you can use matches activity based on regex expression as \d

and retrieve the string

Ashwin S

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hey @Parthiban.VD use this expression to get any date format from above string \d{1,2}.\d{1,2}.\d{1,4}
cheers @Parthiban.VD

Chech this sample regex101: build, test, and debug regex



Thanks for reply @Pradeep_Shiv , it’s working :slightly_smiling_face: :100:


Thanks for your reply @AshwinS2 :slightly_smiling_face:

great mark it as a solution and close this thread!

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