Hi, I want to filter age from excel sheet (condition is filter age between 30 to 40) and write that filtered item into a new sheet through if condition.
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Build a Datatable using Build Datatable activity and create a variable as let say DT1
Use Read Range activity to read the excel sheet and create a variable in properties which will output a Datatable Lets say Dt2
Now use For Each row activity and give the variable of the Datatable DT2
Now inside the For Each row activity place If condition and write as below
Cint(Row(“Age”).ToString) >=30 and Cint(Row(“Age”).ToString) <=40
In then you can use Add row activity of DT1
Also you can replace with one expression also
Hope this will help you
Using read range activity to store your excel data into data table.
Use filter data table activity to filter the age in the data table and get the output as filter data table.
Use write range activity to store the data into different sheet.
Also you can refer to my post which is marked as solution with the same case
Hope this will help you
can I filter data without build datatable
Yes, you can do with that also
As you asked using IF condition, so I provided the solution
Also you can just filter that using assign activity itself
Use Read Range and Create Datatable variable let’s say Dt1
Now use Assign activity and write as below
Dt1 = dt1.Select("[age] >= 30 AND [age] <= 40 ").CopyToDataTable
This also will filter and store the result in Dt1
Hope this will help you
We can do that also using the Assign activity again
Use Read Range and create a Datatable Dt1
Now use Assign activity and create a datatable variable let’s say DtTemp
Assign actvity write as DtTemp = Dt1.Clone()
Now in Add Datarow activity you can use DtTemp
Hope this will help you
can you tell me onemore thing
please tell me the meaning of this .
why we write count +2 here
If our goal is to write back to the excel then we need to add +2
because the Rows Index starts with 0 and in excel starts with 1, and there was a header so to write the data after the header then we need to make +2
If your excel don’t have the header then we need +1 only
Hope this helps you
Mark as solution, so that others will also benefit from this
I want to Color only where I have value not full column in excel how do i do that through set range color
Employees300.xlsx (46.2 KB)
If we see the color of column the color is spread in full column but i want color only where i ahve data.
I suggest to post in new thread, because this is a new topic all together
So close this thread by marking solution and maintain another post
This will help others not in confusion