Im using Get outlook email activity.
And i need to filter incoming emails. I dont want any duplicate emails.
How do i do that?
Thanks in advance
Im using Get outlook email activity.
And i need to filter incoming emails. I dont want any duplicate emails.
How do i do that?
Thanks in advance
How to identify the duplicate mails do you have any Key word in the subject like that.
Hi Gokul001
Not really. I have three categories. SEABN, SECAN and SEDEP. But i cant see that those can be used to filter duplicates.
i assume that the subjectline is easiest to use to filter duplicate emails.
You can check if the email object has an id that is unique, this works on GMail messages, I am not sure for Outlook Messages.
Can you share the sample Subject?
Check out this thread
This all are one subject ah ? @Milo_Soderberg
no these are the three different categories. SECAN, SEABN,SEDEP. But the subjectline is always built like this.
Okay @Milo_Soderberg , What do you need to do from the subject line. Need to extract onlt SECAN, SEABN,SEDEP.
three data from the subject?
Sometimes we get duplicate emails like this. How do i filter out the duplicate
Hi @Milo_Soderberg ,
Could you Check with the below Expression to Filter out the Emails based on Duplicate Subjects :
The below is to be performed after receiving the mails.
mailMessages = mailMessages.GroupBy(Function(x)x.Subject).Select(Function(x)x.First).ToList
Where mailMessages
is a variable of type List(Of MailMessage)
Hi @Milo_Soderberg You can check if the email object has an id that is unique, this works on GMail messages, I am not sure for hotmail Messages.