Try using filter data table but can’t work thanks all
find starter help here:
DT_FilterDates_ByDaysSegment.xaml (8.4 KB)
Can’t use filter data table ? Sorry beginner here thx u
Hi Gabriele how do I “ check if the dates are to be converted from string”? When I extracted the file the date column is in date and time format. I’m quite new to uipath so apology and Thanks for patience
@Lew_Sin_Tat the fastest way is to assign that value to a DateTime variable and see if it gives you an error, in that case the system will give you exception.
The report is downloaded or from a template? You can also try to change the column type in Excel
When I try the filter table u mentioned above it can excite successfully wo error but the columns show no data at all although it suppose to show some rows… what Shd I change the column type to ?
On the Excel, to DateTime
On the excel file it is already in date format
It does not work not sure y