How to extract the word from text lines using regex

I want to extract the B10 or B10(a) from below text. How can i do this ?
I have tried with regex i am getting null value.

“Annual Maintenance Contracts - IT Operating expenditure (namely AMCs and repairs) - IT Operating Expenditure (namely server / storage / appliances / hardware / software / technology infrastructure related AMCs and repairs) B10.”




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Hi @shailesh1920

Use this regex:


This regex will work for both the type you required.

Hope it helps!!

I tried your solution with below syntax but i am getting empty value

System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Match(DFPText, “[A-Z]+[\d]+|(?:([A-Za-z]))?”).Value


(?<=)\s)[A-Z \d]+

It’s working fine at my end Please do check once.



can you check this once

try once if you face any issues let me know

what is the data type of match variable ?

Hi @shailesh1920


The variable type is String. Use the above Regex expression.


Getting below error…

Assign: Expression Activity type ‘VisualBasicValue`1’ requires compilation in order to run. Please ensure that the workflow has been compiled.


Make sure you give the double quotes correctly and run the process. Delete the Double Quotes and give it again.



Str_Value=System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Match(Input,“(?<=)\s)[A-Z \d]+”).Value

@Parvathy Thanks for the solution.

Could you please help me to learn the creation of REGEX patterns ??

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