Need extract data rfom text file using Regex

I need to extract the below data from the attached text file.
Data : 158.75

pdf_text_file.txt (5.4 KB)


Can you try the following expression?





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Hi @shruthi_arali

You can give this Regex Expression in Find Matching Patterns:


Use this syntax in Assign activity:

Matches= System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Matches(yourstringinput,"(?<=TOTAL\sAMOUNT(.*)\s)[\d.]+")

Datatype of Matches is IEnumerable(System.Text.RegularExpressions.Match)
Print it in a message box by using below syntax:
Matches(0). This expression will extract an single value. If you have multiple values run a for each for matches.

Use this syntax in Assign activity. It will extract the first Matched value:

Matches= System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Match(yourstringinput,"(?<=TOTAL\sAMOUNT(.*)\s)[\d.]+").Value

Datatype of Matches is String
Print it in a message box by using below syntax:

Hope it helps!!

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Hi @shruthi_arali


Try With this Expression

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Hi @shruthi_arali

Try this


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(Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Matches(str,“(?<=Total Amount.*\s)\d+.+\d+”))(0).ToString
Try it

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Hey!Can u try it with this Regex Pattern

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